031110 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   root: purslow> emerge galeon ...
>    * you need mozilla-1.3+ compiled against gtk+-2
>    * export USE="gtk2" ;emerge mozilla -p 
>   !!! ERROR: net-www/galeon-1.3.10 failed.
>   !!! Function pkg_setup, Line 42, Exitcode 0
>   !!! Need Mozilla compiled with gtk+-2.0!!
there's a forum item re Mozilla 1.5 (nothing re Galeon),
which recommends the cmd 'USE="gtk" emerge mozilla'.
i'm currently trying that -- it's compiling -- & will report results.
it makes sense, as Galeon is Gnome-oriented, but Mozilla is neutral.

BTW Konqueror 3.1.3 is a hot competitor w my usual favorite Galeon,
as i was reminded when using it to look up Gentoo forum (smile).

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