On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 07:37, Eamon Caddigan wrote:

> Well, as a temporary hack, I went ahead and 'injected' the latest
> unmasked versions of Tcl/Tk (dev-lang/tcl-8.3.4 and
> dev-lang/tk-8.3.4-r1). Now, `emerge -pvuD world' doesn't try to
> downgrade Tcl/Tk, but `emerge -pvUD world' is still returning errors.
> This will serve me well until I install another masked package (which
> isn't likely to happen any time soon).

Have you considered copying the ebuilds for the ~x86 packages you want
to a portage overlay? Then change the KEYWORDS in the overlay ebuilds to
x86, so that they are no longer considered masked.


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