Every time I do an 'emerge sync' I get the following error message:

 ** Skipping packages. Run 'fixpackages' or set it in FEATURES to fix
    tbz2's in the packages directory. Note: This can take a very long

So I run 'fixpackages' and sure enough it fixes stuff. And sure enough
it takes a *long* time!

This has happened a few times now. On every occasion the I get the
following error messages:

!!! Cannot update binary: Destination exists.
!!! sys-apps/raidtools-1.00.3-r1 -> sys-fs/raidtools-1.00.3-r1
......!!! Cannot update binary: Destination exists.
!!! app-admin/dosfstools-2.8-r3 -> sys-fs/dosfstools-2.8-r3

I plan to unmerge then emerge both these ebuilds in an attempt to stop
this problem in the future. Is this the right course of action, or is
there a better way to solve this problem.



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