Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

I'm not a KDE user anymore but looking at the ebuild there is a line below alsa not supported that is commented out (the # sign). Basically this does not allow alsa support to be built in no matter what your use flags. However, the comment at the end indicates you can use oss emulation. Did you merge alsa-oss? If so and if all your modules load then you can use the oss part of alsa. The ebuild sets myaudio to enable oss at the start. From what I see it's a KDE problem. Maybe you can bug them as to why it's not fixed - or maybe it is in the betas?

I followed the gentoo alsa guide when I set up alsa. I have emerged everything alsa related except for the alsamixergui and alsa player. Alsa itself is working.

Kathy Wills

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