On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 04:37:48 -0800, Redeeman muttered:
> i am need of a a proxy server, because my brother is on the lan, and he
> wants to make daemons, and i have all the ports :D
> i dont know anything about it, and i dont have much time, so i am in
> need of a secure and easy proxy server, i have heard about squid, not
> much, and i see that almost any programs support socks proxy (i dont
> know what it is).
> can anyone recommend a small easy and secure proxy that is socks
> compatible and that supports accounts made, without making system
> accoutnts for any user (like with proftpd)?
> thanks!!

Well, I'm not sure exactly how squid would help you (it's just a web proxy:
all it'll do is mirror HTTP requests), and a SOCKS proxy is just a similar
thing for generalized *outgoing* connections.

What you probably want to look into is port forwarding with iptables or
ssh -- this'll make a port on the gateway machine forward connections to
another machine behind the firewall.

Andrew Farmer

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