On Tuesday 18 November 2003 09:57, Henti Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 17:42:42 +0900
> Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I find that I can't use the console - or specifically I can't see it.
> > But X remains fine; that is I can switch back to it and continue using
> > it. Consoles are always blank after starting X, though. Drivers before
> > 4363 (I think)  didn't and still don't have that problem. If X is
> > actually crashing, or you want to be able to see the console after
> > switching into X, perhaps try an earlier driver?
> I'll give that a try. Thanks

It remembers me of something I've read about X stealing Virtual Terminal when 
it spawns to fast. I may be wrong but I think X takes the first available VT. 
If VTs haven't got enough time to spawn. I don't remember how it can be 
solve, but googling around searching this problem could help you.


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