<quote who="Ben Maas">
> On Wednesday 19 November 2003 08:35 pm, Ian Truelsen wrote:
>> point, run fsck and am again assured that /dev/hda3 is clean. I check
>> /etc/mtab and /dev/ROOT is listed as mounted at / and in rw mode.
>> However,
> Try changing the / mount point in /etc/fstab from /dev/ROOT to /dev/hda3.
/etc/fstab is set up properly with /dev/hda3 being mounted to /. I believe
that this is too early in the boot process for fstab to be even accessed.
If I am not mistaken, at the point that this is happening, it is only
responding to the kernel options passed from grub. I would assume that it
is assigning the /dev/ROOT to whatever is passed as the root= in the
commandline from grub. I may be wrong here, but, whatever the case, the
entries in /etc/fstab are not the issue here.

Ian Truelsen

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