P3 (Coppermine)...
I run gnome & xfce4, but not kde.


Redeeman wrote:

what is your system, i have a ahtlon-xp compiled package i made, with
the ximian patches, works perfect, and i am going to build a p4 package
soon on my laptop

On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 23:13, Chris Graves wrote:

Please, reply at the bottom of the email, or it leaves no logical place
for a reply to be added!

emerge a binary vesion, maybe openoffice-bin?

As I am seeking help, I'll comply with your wishes, but this whole top-posting vs bottom-posting, vi vs emacs, gui vs cli (...) shit has got to go. It's a matter of preference and perspective.
I view a conversation/communication as a FILO structure or a relevance stack, in which you add information to the top and expire information at the bottom when the stack becomes too large (as it has lost it relevance to the immediate conversation). In light of that, I find it logical to add information to the top of an email.

Now, I know about the -bin version. But if I wanted unoptimized, precompiled binaries I'd be with a different distro. OK, by now, I've seen another post suggesting mounting extra diskspace to /var/tmp/portage via NFS... that's sounds like a viable solution.


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