On Nov 21, 2003, at 11:36 PM, Susie wrote: <snip>

For pekwm I'm wondering if there is some sort of pager around for it. So far I've not found one and I've also been unable to get wmpager or wmpc to work with it.

It's hard to say for sure which pager to use b/c pekwm can use both workspaces and viewports. Which one you use will determine with pager to use. I don't know why wmpager doesn't work but the pager for the gnome-panel works, the ROX panel works, and tpager (http://s1x.homelinux.net/tpager.php) works, along with sereral others if you are using workspaces, which i think is the default. If you are using viewports then the only pager I have found that works is wampager. Also if you are using the version that is portage (v. 0.1.3), I would consider downloading the cvs version directly and using that b/c a lot of new features have been added and is pretty stable(i've been using the cvs version for about a year with little problems). However, if you do use the cvs version, be sure to backup and rm your ~/.pekwm directory b/c a lot of the configuration files have changed and when you start the cvs version up for the first time it will place the updated files in ~/.pekwm if it doesn't exists. Good luck with pekwm, it's the best wm I have ever used. Also, if you have anymore questions I would recommend posting them to the pekwm-user mailing list b/c the people there are really helpful.
As for golem the
only issue I'm having with it is I don't see an explaination anywere of
how to make it shade.  I quite like the ability to double click the
title bar and have things roll up on occasion.

Now, I don't know about golem b/c I've only used it for a couple of minutes at a time and don't know much about it.

I'm busy with xmass type things and other stuff. But I've found a few
more things I may make ebuilds for. There is a theme tool wmtheme that
I don't see in portage masked or unmasked and a few gkrellm2 plugins
that also aren't in portage but gkrellm versions of them exist that wont
work with gkrellm2.

One more thing, I just remembered that someone made an ebuild
for the cvs verison of pekwm. It is at http://codez.heckpart.homeip.net/~codez/gentoo/
You'll have to create a portage overlay though to use it. Hope that helps too.

Anyways if anyone has any ideas on what pager might work or how to do
the shading please pass it on.  I couldn't find anything on the online
docs nor what was installed that would enlighten me as what to do.

Hopefully one of the suggested pagers will work for you b/c pekwm rocks
once you realize all the neat features that it has that other wm's don't.
- --



Bryan Traywick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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