On 11/23/03  Mark Knecht wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 07:31, Patrick Börjesson wrote:
> > >    Why is emerge -p lm-sensors wanting to bring in
> > > development-sources-2.6.0_beta9???
> > > 
> > >    This also happened when I looked at Alsa the other day.
> > > 
> > >    Is this expected behavior when running 2.4.20-r7?
> > 
> > Check out /etc/make.profile/virtuals and see to it that
> > development-sources is last in the line providing
> > virtual/linux-sources and not first.
> > 
> > Patrick Börjesson
> Patrick,
>    Thanks for the response.
>    It appears that development-sources is not on the line providing
> virtual/linux-sources, nor is it anywhere in this file.
>    Should it be? Do I need to add something by hand? (I don't want to
> unless there's a known issue here.)

I assume he meant /var/cache/edb/virtuals, not
/etc/make.profile/virtuals which has a different purpose,


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