I have an IDE hardrive that gets misdetected by my BIOS (there's a flaw in the
drive - nothing to do with BIOS CHS limits or anything) as having an incorrect
number of cylinders (2013), effectively cutting it's capacity in half.  I have
set the parameters manually (4092 cylinders) in CMOS and it's a game of craps as
to whether an OS will detect the incorrect value or my override.
Windows 9x/ME and Linux Mandrake detect my override settings and everything is
joy :- )
Windows NT/2000/XP and Knoppix as well as gentoo Linux use the incorrect
(autodetect) value.

I can get gentoo to change it partly by passing "hda=4092,15,63" to the kernel. 
This doesn't solve the problem as when I "cat /proc/ide/hda/geometry" I get:
physical  2013/15/63
logical   4092/15/63

If I pass an additional "hda=noprobe" then my hda doesn't even show up in /dev.

During all of these attempts I've tried to use cfdisk with -c -h & -a flags but
it cannot write to the drive (unless I accept it as half the size it really is).

This is my first time using gentoo but I decided to post this here because this
seems to be the most knowledgable mailing list that I'm a member of.  Anybody
have suggestions?

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