On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 10:13, Murray Shields wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently replaced a RH9 and older verion of Freevo with a Gentoo build 
> and the latest Freevo (with absolutely everything installed via emerge). 
> Everything was compiled, so everything is up-to-date.
> The hardware is identical, and primarily consists of a Celeron 1.1, 
> 256Mb RAM and a Nvidia GeForce 440MX with 64Mb RAM. I should also note 
> that Freevo is started from the command line, not from within X itself. 
> Whilst it was out of date, Freevo worked perfectly before the reload.
> Freevo will now run quite happliy boot and play MP3's and image 
> slideshows, but when I try to view a video (any video, any codec) I get 
> a black screen for several seconds then get dumped back to the Freevo 
> menu. If I use mplayer from the command line it works fine and plays the 
> specified movie file (the same file that fails from within Freevo).
> When I exit Freevo I see messages indicating that errors have been 
> placed in the mplayer logs, as follows:
> mplayer_stdout.log looks good until the line:
> "vo: x11 uninit called but x11 not inited.."
> and then it exits.
> mplayer_stderr.log has this:
> "can't open '/root/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory."
> "can't open input config '/root/.mplayer/input.conf': No such file or 
> directory."
> "vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!"
> "Error opening/initialising the selected video_out (-vo) device."
> If I change Freevo to use "x11" instead of "fbdev" as its display mode, 
> I get an additonal Freevo error saying:
> "Warning: display is set to x11, but the environment has no DISPLAY set. 
> Setting display to fbdev."
> mplayer_stderr.log no longer has the lines complaining about the 
> video_out device.
> Note that XFree86 is installed, as is the nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx. 
> KDE and Gnome are NOT installed. I believe the Nvidia drivers are 
> installed correctly (I get the Nvidia logo when I do a "startx", which 
> runs just fine). Running Freevo from inside X does not fix the problem.
> I am probably missing something simple, but stuffed if I know what it 
> is. Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you're running it as root. Try as a regular user.

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