On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:44:27 -0600
Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:44:44AM -0600, Van Eps, Nathan D. (James
> Tower) wrote:
> > That is weird. A compiler should generate the same code whether it is
> > optimized or unoptimized. It would be interesting to hear an
> > explanation from the gcc folk as to what causes this.

Yeah, I would say the chance that an optimization bug in the compiler used to
build your new compiler will cause the new compiler to generate faster code
is rather small...

> To put it another way, if you recompile (the same version of) a library,
> you don't have to recompile the applications that use it.
> In my case, my application makes heavy use of the C++ Standard Template
> Library (STL).  The STL is built when I emerge (read: compile) gcc.
> (Note that libc is *not* built with gcc; it's part of it's own package,
> sys-libs/glibc.)

Unfortunately, if you want to take advantages of newer STL versions, you will
have to recompile your applications, since the STL is just a set of header files
included in your application (not that the STL changes much). Changes in the C++
Standard library of course will benefit you without recompiling your application.


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