Harlan wrote:

Hi Kathy,

I have stopped and restarted the cupsd before and after every change.
I have the parport compiled into the kernel, not as a separate module, but I can certainly try that.

Here is a section of my /etc/log/cups/error_log file after stopping and starting cupsd:

I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:01 -0600] Listening to c0a80114:631
I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:01 -0600] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:01 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:01 -0600] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:01 -0600] Full reload is required.
I [25/Nov/2003:10:45:21 -0600] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 2771 PPDs...
I [25/Nov/2003:10:46:06 -0600] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
I [25/Nov/2003:10:46:06 -0600] Full reload complete.
I [25/Nov/2003:10:48:31 -0600] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid
E [25/Nov/2003:10:48:31 -0600] [CGI] CUPS-Get-Printers request failed - server-e
rror-internal-error (500)
I [25/Nov/2003:10:48:51 -0600] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=51

As far as I know, I have all the latest foomatic scripts in place, according to the installation instructions.

I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks again for your help.


I'm fresh out of ideas. Check this out and see if can get some help http://www.linuxprinting.org/kpfeifle/LinuxKongress2002/Tutorial/VII.cups-help/VII.cups-help.html

Kathy Wills

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