> After upgrading to portage 2.0.49-r17 emerge and ebuild
> bales out with the message:

> Traceback (most recent call last): 
>   File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 1784, in ? 
>     ip=socket.gethostbyname(hostname) 
> NameError: name 'socket' is not defined 
> Obviously installing an earlier version of portage won't work.

Why wouldn't it? If you used a stable instead of a testing version,
you wouldn't hit this problem. -r17 was ~arch, and is now masked.
Either do what you have below, or emerge -r15.

> Quick and not so dirty fix:
> Change line 6 in /usr/bin/emerge from 
> import os,sys 
> to 
> import os,sys,socket 

And that would be the actually implemented solution. Please post to
bugzilla if you have issues and/or fixes. Mailing lists are not the
fastest way to contact someone to get an issue worked out.

> ....and think of how severe this would be if GENTOO weren't an open-source 
> system and if /usr/bin/emerge were a binary file and not written in python.

Really doesn't have anything to do with it being open source. It's a
bug that slipped through the 6 complete stages (1,2,3,1mp,2mp,3mp)
that were built before it ever made it to rsync. It's a deficiency
in the testing of alternate and auxiliary functions of portage that
is now quite a bit more obvious and will be remedied.

It's not very severe, and there is a reason why python is the language
of choice for portage and not some other compiled language.

I'm tired and slightly annoyed at having such a bug found, so I hope
I come across well, but it seems that your last comment is slightly
fear-mongering and/or based in a bit of annoyance itself. Let's try
to just keep it to the fact that there is a bug and it should be
dealt with.


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