i have a nicely working Gentoo system
(XP 2500+ , nVidia GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x ).
i'ld like to get 3D acceleration working, insofar as it's not now.
actually, i'm not sure whether this will improve the look of 3D graphics
or merely make more efficient use of my hardware.

following a recent thread here, i did the following:

  emerge nvidia-glx  (also merges  nvidia-kernel )
  comment 'Load "dri"' in XF86Config
  replace 'Driver "nv"' there with 'Driver "nvidia"'
  as root, enter 'modprobe nvidia' (it says 'loaded but tainted')
  as user, start XFCE or KDE the normal way

both start w the Nvidia splash screen,
but are slow, erratic & finally everything freezes.

restoring the previous XF86Config, all is ok again.

ordinarily when Xscreensaver starts,
there mb a line 'dri missing from kernel (or :0.0 ? )' at top of screen:
might this be relevant ?  i've read thro' the Gentoo 'dri' howto file,
which advises recompiling the kernel, which i've not done before.
a search of Gentoo Forum with 'nvidia' reveals nothing sensible.

does anyone have any suggestions ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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