On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 13:44:09 -0800, Yogesh Sharma muttered:
> Mike Wojcikiewicz wrote:
> >Not sure if this helps, but I have a 180gig WD drive mounted on /home 
> >with no
> >special patching or anything (ext2, vanilla 2.4.22)..
> Just 2 more qn ?
> Is it a single parition or multiple parition ?
> Are you able to access 180 gb completely ?

I'm not the person in question, but I've got a 120 GB drive with one
partition >100GB. I've been able to use this drive since I got it, which
was back around 2.4.19 or so.

48-bit addressing's been in Linux for a while now, though I wouldn't know
since when. It's not a special feature, though.

Andrew Farmer

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