Quoting Spider from Dec 2

> begin  quote
> On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 09:19:41 -0600 
> "Van Eps, Nathan D. (James Tower)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can anyone mention a clone, or an emulator/VM setup that can play said
> > old game?
> > ( nope, the ps/2 that I ran it on originally is dead )
> > There is a DOS version of Prince of Persia you can download!
> Not that helpful actually, as I'm also asking for the emulator/VM setup
> necessary to make it work. (had you told me that freedos disk under
> xdosemu with <theese settings> work, I would have been immensly helped,
> but as it is I don't really have the time to mess about with it to
> relive old memories, so I'm afraid I'm not very helped of it.    BTW, I
> dont own a machine that runs DOS anymore. : )

Hmm, as you already seem to have FreeDOS, how about 
booting the CD, temporarily formatting your swap partition FAT16 and 
installing and playing it from there?
Also, with todays machines, it should be possible to install it into 
a DOS RAMdisk too. Not sure if FreeDOS supports that though, or how 
to go about it, my DOS skillz are a bit rusty nowadays.

I believe you can get the game itself legally from some abandonware 

FWIW, I know for sure that it plays nicely under Win98, just did that 
two weeks ago ;) (and at that time completely unaware of the new 

2cents, and they're mine
        Peter G.
Any technology indistinguishable from magic is insufficiently

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