Quoting Robert Cernansky from Dec 3

> On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 07:21:26 -0600 "MARTINSON, GREGORY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MG> I am going to be bullheaded and take an old machine Pentium 166 with 48
> MG> Megs of memory and make it work as a home server (samba, cups and ftp as
> MG> well as maybe a music player).  I won't be installing tons of software
> MG> on it, but I do want to eek our every last ounce of performance from an
> MG> old beast.  

Not sure if you want to install X at all, but just in case:

> As a windowmanager I prefer WindowMaker on my P166 MMX, 64MB RAM. You
> can also try BlackBox or FluxBox.

Second that, and the ones others have pointed out.
I'd like to add ICEwm to the list.

Basically all the WMs out there claim to be rather slim (and are), 
just stay off GNOME and KDE and probably Enlightenment and XFCE.

Use slim terminals such as aterm or rxvt rather than xterm/eterm or
even konsole or gnome-terminal.

To conserve memory stay away from hungry apps. Forget Mozilla, use 
Opera. It's small and full-featured (though non-Free).
All the other browsers (epiphany, galeon, firebird) will pull in all 
the bloat from mozilla or GNOME or both. 
You might want to try dillo too. It is really nice and small, depends 
only on gtk, but it isn't very feature-rich.

As for a file manager, I'd recommend Gentoo or ROX filer.

Tip on running X: 
Lower colour depth will speed up things. Use 16 or even 15 bpp.
Comment out "FontPath" lines in the config for fonts you don't use 
(like the 100dpi fonts)

But: Linux tends to get REALLY small and lean once you decide to not 
install X and all that goes with it.

> MG> work well with low resources? What compilation make.conf settings should
> MG> I try?

> I use these CFLAGS settings:
> -mcpu=pentium-mmx -march=pentium-mmx-mmmx -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
> -falign-functions=4 -falign-jumps=4
add -w -pipe for compile speed gains.
> You can also try -Os which is pretty fast and produces smaller binaries.
Definitely recommended. -Os works great.

Sorry for the messy and confusing mail, I'm in a bit of a hurry,
        Peter G.
Any technology indistinguishable from magic is insufficiently

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