I read about that on the forums. The way you said below solved the problem for 
someone having kernel 2.6.0 but I have 2.4.20.

On Thursday 04 December 2003 15:58, Anders Hasselqvist wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Alexandru GHERMAN wrote:
> > blmartin777 wrote:
> >
> > "I can't even get it to install. It tells me that it was not configured
> > right and to run vmware-config.pl, and when I do that it says it build
> > everything it needs for the 2.6 kernel. It does that over and over. "
> >
> >
> >
> >  I got the same symptoms too and I can't get it to work. Can anybody
> > please help ?
> I think you have to modify vmware-config.pl a bit.
> Change all occurences of /proc/ksyms to /proc/kallsyms
> It could be that you have to change something more but I don't remember.
> Regards,

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