On 12/04/03 18:09:39, Redeeman wrote:
hi, i made my own PS1 line to make stuff look abit more funny:
PS1="\e[1;33m[\e[36;1m\u\e[01;[EMAIL PROTECTED];1m\H:
\e[01;34m\w\e[01;31m\e[1;33m] \[\e[0m\]"

and i place it in ~/.bashrc.

Your question was answered in the "anoying terminal" thread, just this afternoon.

The quick answer is after you've made sure that you've properly escaped all non-printing characters in PS1, is you can add "shopt -s checkwinsize" to
~/.bashrc or /etc/profile and bash will check the window size after every command.

Thomas Achtemichuk

But it does move!
                -- Galileo Galilei

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