
Great community.  I've been lurking for a while before finally
deciding to install Gentoo, which I attempted to do yesterday!

I've attempted to install on my three year-old Dell Dimension 8100
1.5Gz P4 + 512MB RAM + 200GB disk & 80GB disk, twice now, and the
installation has hung on a black screen both times - both last
night. Before the install, this box had been running Red Hat 9 for a
few months, with absolutely no problems, so I'm confident that the
hardware is good.

First time, I tried stage 1, by the book.  I modified /etc/make.conf
to specify an i686 (it was i386), but that's it.  It hung during the
bootstrapping process somewhere.

Second time, I tried stage 2, by the book, no modififcations to any
config files.  A couple times during the various compiling process I
heard a series of five beeps.  By the time I ran into the office to
check the machine and hit a key to bring it out of screensaver mode,
whatever it was that had caused that had scrolled off the screen.
Anyway, hours later, it was still going, so I went to bed.  Woke up
this morning, and poof - black screen, frozen.

I simply turned the box off.  Is there anything I can do at this
point to diagnose the problem?  Would throwing my hands in the air
and going with stage3 be admitting defeat?  Are there Dell-specific
things that I somehow missed in the FAQs?  Should I have done
something to my config files at stage1 and stage2 - perhaps some
kernel option or whatever?

Jason Newquist
San Francisco Bay Area

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