On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 12:41, Øyvind Stegard wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded to the 2.4.20-gentoo-r9 kernel (from -r8), and it 
> suddenly OOps'ed (segfault caused by error in inode.c) when unmounting a 
> partition before reboot. This made me a bit suspicious, since I used the 
> exact same config as with -r8, and kernels from these series have never 
> crashed with my current config+hardware, before. (I usually start up 
> menuconfig in new kernel dir and load my old config, then verify every 
> option after that, so this should be OK, and seems to work well). I 
> haven't been able to reproduce any crashes, though. Just wondering if 
> anybody else has experienced problems with this latest gentoo-sources 
> release.

I just tried to install this evening and made myself a freshly compiled
r9 kernel......and the system fails to boot from the point where it sees
my Adaptec SCSI controller. It correctly identifies the hardware, gives
an accurate status......then seems to get confused and goes into a
loop.......and never comes back.  

Messages like "Yikes! blah blah blah is in a loop!" 

The only device attached to the SCSI controller is a my UMAX Astra 600S

I tried 'doscsi' on the kernel statement in grub. No good. 
I powered off the scanner.....No good. 

I removed the HD and put my old drive back in with it's existing
system.  I'll try again tomorrow. 

Steve Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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