Ok, let me try.   I may not get this correct on the 1st go round, but we
will get there.

My server/firewall/etc box runs the real cups daemon and has my printers
physically attached to it -- except for the network laser.

Here is an excerpt of the cups setup for the server.  Note that this is
on a closed/firewalled network and there is basically no security on the
cups server/daemon.  I was forced to do this, as every time I tried to
restrict access, it completely broke cups printing.

----------- /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (on server)----------------
User lp
Group lp
Port 631
Browsing On
BrowseAllow 10.0.0.*
BrowseDeny  All
SystemGroup lp
<Location />
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From All
Deny From None
<Location /printers>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From All
Deny From None
<Location /admin>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From All
Deny From None

----------- /etc/cups/client.conf (on other linux boxes)----------------

That is all I can find right now.   If I am missing anything, I will
have to do some digging.  Let's hope that is it.  Give it a go.

I should tell you that the way I debugged this was to get an 'ethereal'
session running (filter traffic as required) so that I could watch the
cups traffic.  There is broadcasting going on.

>From you client, about 1 min after bringing up the cups server, you
should be able to do this...

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] foo $ lpstat -a
        AR161 accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00
        hp1215 accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00
        hp5 accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00

The 2 hp(s) are connected to my server box.  The AR161 is the network
printer that is spooled from cups.

Good luck... post how it goes.

I may not be able to get back to you anymore tonight.


On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 21:46, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> rd wrote:
> >Ted --
> >
> >Let me understand this... you have cups on one linux box and want it to
> >be the network printer server for other linux boxes?
> >
> >If so, I can help.
> >
> >-rdg
> >  
> >
> This is correct.
It is vital to remember that information is not knowledge; that
knowledge is not wisdom; and that wisdom is not foresight.
  - Arthur C Clarke

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