How do I get numlock to start on boot?

If you log on graphically, or want numlock to be activated when you issue 
startx, then you must emerge numlockx and add /usr/X11R6/bin/numlockx 
to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (for startx) or /etc/X11/Sessions/ (for any 
graphical login manager) such as /etc/X11/Sessions/Gnome for GDM. 

If you work in commandline, you only need to rc-update add numlock default and 
numlock will be activated on the next reboot. 

Cordiales saludos
Manuel Pérez López

El Jueves, 18 de Diciembre de 2003 18:07, Van Eps, Nathan D. (James Tower) 
> >-----Original Message-----
> From: Redeeman
> >hmm, i start X, and numlock isnt on.. how to make it become that
> >automatically?
> >
> >any ideas?
> I believe there is an option in the "XF86Config" config file to turn this
> on. I'm not at a linux box, so I can't look this up. I'd either use the man
> page or look at an example "XF86Config" file.
> -Nathan
> --
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