Le Mercredi, 24 Décembre 2003 16.43, Robert G. Waycott a écrit :
> ============================================================
> From: Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/12/23 Tue PM 02:38:27 EST
> Subject: [gentoo-user] mounting winxp-vfat
> I need to move some things from winxp-vfat-hda1-C to gentoo-hdb3 so I
> looked in the forums http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=29285 for a
> how to while the list was down the couple days and found one. It said to
> compile windows nonsence into the kernel (it was already compiled in so no
> prob there) then add a line to fstab so it can be mounted (/dev/hda1
> /mnt/c        vfat          defaults,umask=000     0 0) is the one I chose
> since it gives me the most leway. On boot it gives the following error ;
> Mount:mountpoint /mnt/c does not exist.
> What could I have done wrong, I followed the instructions to the letter?

the error message is clear, and the solution trivial:
mkdir /mnt/c

mathieu perrenoud

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