--- Michael Spohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using a dsl connection to the internet and since a couple of
> days I can't get out as a normal user besides via proxy connection
>with squid. 

Correct me if I'm wrong Michael.
You can get out to the internet with a normal user as long as that user
is using the squid proxy? 

If they aren't using the squid proxy then they can't get out to the

If both of my statements are correct then your problem is with how
Squid has been configured not anything else. 

Are you sure that you don't also have a firewall installed as well?

> ping www.google.com returns unknown host

When logged in with a non-root user and that user isn't using the squid
proxy can you ping by ip address?

I would try this first.

1) Can you ping the name servers in "/ect/resolv.conf" ? Are those
public ip's or private ip's?

2) From the command line try "ping"
3) Then in your web browser put "";

Let us know what your results are. 


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