031226 Jason Stubbs wrote:
>> when i run 'slocate' as a cron job or via CLI,
>> it raises net memory usage from  c 60 MB  to  c 200 MB  & leaves it there
>> (ie 'used +/- buffers/cache' in 'free').  exiting X makes no difference,
>> but rebooting (naturally) restores the memory figure to the previous
>> level. i've checked the forum (search 'slocate') w/o finding any mention.
>> i am using the most updo-date version of 'slocate', ie 2.7-r2 .
>> i have  512 MB  DDR400 memory & an Athlon XP 2500+ processor.
> I can't tell from your original post,
> but are you implying slocate never terminates?

sorry if it wasn't clear, but "exiting X" surely implies it has terminated.
yes, 'slocate' has terminated (the cron job just ran after today's start-up):

  root: purslow> ps -A | grep 'slocate'
  root: purslow>

and i did read thro' the full listing from 'ps -A'.

> When a process exits, any resources it had allocated
> are automatically returned to the kernel.

exactly!  that's why there is a problem here!  it's not happening!

> I would say that the used memory is purely due to disk cache.
> I'm not sure what the 'calculation' above is meant to mean - 
> 'used + buffers - cache'?

well, if i do 'free', i get :

  root: purslow> free
               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
  Mem:           502        492         10          0        179        117
  -/+ buffers/cache:        194        308
  Swap:          611          0        611

the 1st figure in the 2nd row is the one i'm referring to:
before 'slocate' runs, it is  61 ; after it has finished, it is  194 ;
while 'slocate' is running, repeating 'free' shows a steady increase.
i know that the 5th & 6th figures on the 1st row are less important
& that Linux will re-use that space when it is needed for something else.
those  3  figures add up to the 2nd figure on the 1st row, ie  492 .

thanx for the initial responses, but now that the problem sb clearer,
does anyone have any explanation of what mb going wrong ?

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