On Sat, 2003-12-27 at 16:15, Collins wrote:
> On Saturday 27 December 2003 07:08, Tom Wesley wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Just wondering on the general policy for replying to emails from this
> > list.  I have a tendency to hit the reply and let the email headers
> > dictate where the mail goes.  This does seem to have the disadvantage
> > that replies to emails sent by people who have personally set a reply-to
> > header in their client go directly to the person.
> >
> > As the Gentoo list does not replace this reply-to with an appropriate
> > reply-to header I am thinking that I am correct in blindly continuing as
> > I do, as I am in fact doing as has been requested and replying to the
> > correct address.
> >
> > My point is that should the Gentoo list itself remove extra reply-to's
> > and add one to ensure that the replies get sent to the list and not to
> > personal mailboxes?
> Read up on this in the archives - discussed ad nauseam.  Any decent mailer 
> (kmail, evolution, and sylpheed for sure) can reply automatically to the list 
> rather than the original sender.

I know that I *can* reply to the list - but surely if list policy is
that I *should* then the list should enforce that by removing other

Tom Wesley

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