I will gladly test the newest gentoo, I am awaiting a few of the following parts, that will hopefully come in by this week's end:

ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe
128mb GeForce FX 5200 AGP 8x
AMD Athlon-XP 2500+
1 - 80GB ATA-100 Western Digital HDD
1 - 100GB ATA-100 Western Digital HDD
Yamaha CDRW
Sound - Ensoniq Creative Sound Blaster AudioPCI128
Ethernet1 - MarvellŽ Gigabit PCI LAN controller
Ethernet2 - Southbridge Integrated NVIDIAŽ 10/100 Mb LAN controller
6 USB 2.0 Ports

I have mostly everything but the mobo/proc & RAM -=- hehe.. the core of the friggin system!

Basically the same hardware I have listed on my "computer" page @ http://www.trikster.homelinux.org/trikster.html <<<< BEWARE! NOT A M$ FRIENDLY SITE! please dont cry if the page looks messed up or you get java debug errors. (believe it or not.. I am not the greatest web site developer anyhow!) 8-P

Heheh.. that is what "mozilla composer" is for.

Anyhow this would be the "Death Box" I am building right now, for Lan-Parties and portability -=- (where I dont feel like dragging my laptop off too)

Where can one download this precious Gentoo 2004.0 iso @?

I must have this! TriKster need Gentoo! AURGG!

P.S. Will there be somehow that you (Gentoo Developers) will finally have a working copy of Enlightenment-17 (e-0.17) that we can use? I must have this! (compiling from cvs always bombs on me, no matter what system I try it out on)



TriKster Abacus
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irc.cotse.com #linux http://www.cllug.org

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