On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 15:06, raptor wrote:
> it seems that bash completion does not work if there is some text before emerge .. 
> like this :
> ACCEPT_KEYWORDS='~x86'  emerge -p ne<TAB>
I agree with you that it would be nice if tab completion worked under
this situation. Your best bet to get this resolved is to submit a bug
for the package.

> also when it works it appends one space after the text...!!
AFAIK this is expected behaviour. The space added indicates there are no
duplicate/longer matches. If you do not get a space then do a double-tab
and you will get a list of all matching options. eg:

# emerge net-
net-analyzer/  net-fs/        net-libs/      net-news/      net-www/
net-dialup/    net-ftp/       net-mail/      net-p2p/       net-zope/
net-dns/       net-im/        net-misc/      net-print/     
net-firewall/  net-irc/       net-nds/       net-wireless/  



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