On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 21:24:07 +1100, Andrew Cowie

>Look into the PORTAGE_OVERLAY variable in /etc/make.conf; it will point
>the way for you to be able to create, say,
>/usr/local/portage/sys-kernel/vanilla-sources/ and put your ebuild

Thanks. I created the directory structur in /usr/local/portage according to
the one in the /usr/portage tree (only the stuff I needed) and copied the
ebuild and digest files there, then I deleted it. After that I run emerge ...
digest and this seems to work now.

Can I copy the 2.4.22/23 also there? Currently I have them in the official
gentoo tree so there would be no need for it, but at some point in the future
it would vanish there as well. Shall I copy the files to local and delete them
in the normal tree or shall I keep them there and let nature run its course?
Would emerge be confused in that case because then I have two ebuilds with the
same files.

Or is it ok to delete them, but I guess with the next rsync they would be
recreated there anyway.

Gerhard Gruber
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