Check bugzilla as there are sone winex-cvs builds there that you can look at.

> From: "Gerhard W. Gruber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/01/02 Fri AM 06:40:02 EST
> Subject: [gentoo-user] Wine CVS ebuild problem
> Since there is no wine-cvs ebuild I tried to create my own, but I'm rather
> newbie to this so, naturally, it failed. :)
> The best choice would have been to take a look at winex-cvs but this has been
> removed so the ebuild is only an empty shell. Now I took the ebuild from
> crystalspace-cvs as a template and changed servername and all the stuff to
> match wine. When I run ebuild to create the digest I always get the error
> message PF is null.
> What does that mean?
> I also copied the digest file from crystalspace but that is empty anyway.
> Does emerge have to have a version number in the ebuildname or is the choice
> of the name totally free? Since I wanted to run it against the wine cvs tree I
> didn't specify a version. Could this be the problem?
> The ebuild looks like this:
> ---------------------------------------------
> inherit cvs
> ECVS_TOP_DIR="${DISTDIR}/cvs-src/${PN}"
> DESCRIPTION="Windows WIN32 API emulation for running MS-Windows software
> natively in Linux"
> SRC_URI=""
> SLOT="0"
> KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc"
> #DEPEND=">=media-libs/libpng-1.2.1
> WINE_PREFIX=/opt/wine
> src_compile() {
>         ./configure --prefix=${WINE_PREFIX} || die
>         emake all || die
> }
> src_install() {
>         dodir ${WINE_PREFIX}
>         make INSTALL_DIR=${D}/${WINE_PREFIX} install || die
> #       dodir /usr/bin
> #       dosym ${WINE_PREFIX}/bin/cs-config /usr/bin/cs-config
> #       find ${D}/${WINE_PREFIX} -type f -exec chmod a+r '{}' \;
> #       find ${D}/${WINE_PREFIX} -type d -exec chmod a+rx '{}' \;
> #       chmod a+rx ${D}/${WINE_PREFIX}/{bin,lib}/*
> #       dodir /etc/env.d
> #       echo "WINE=\"${WINE_PREFIX}\"" > ${D}/etc/env.d/90crystalspace
> }
> -- 
> Gerhard Gruber
> Maintainer of
> SoftICE for Linux -
> Fast application launcher -
> --
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