On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 10:54, Michele Alzetta wrote:
> Hallo,
> ever since I've updated do rsync 2.6.0 I get a very quick screenfull message about 
> SSL options which flies by during boot, and also any time I add or remove a 
> net-related service from default runlevel.
> Note that rsyncd has NOT been added to default runlevel .... anyone else have this 
> problem ?
Odd, dunno. Sorry.

> Second question ... I set up a pretty good iptables firewall but found it also 
> blocks emerge sync ... which ports does rsync 2.6.0 use ?
Assuming that Gentoo uses the standard rsync protocol (i.e. doesn't use
a different port), this will tell you what you need:

# grep rsync /etc/services    
rsync           873/tcp                         # rsync
rsync           873/udp                         # rsync

If you've never seen the services file take a quick look. v. useful to
know - and have if you're running a firewall.


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