On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 04:07:19 -0800 (PST)
khurram b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> I am totaly new to this mailing list side, I am totaly
> confused how to manage the mails from gentoo-user
> mailing list, I get alot of mails, is there any
> application that can manage mails or I can browse all
> the mails online,

Which mail reader are you using? It should have a "filter" system built
in, you just have to create the filter rules to send all of the mail
with [gentoo-user] in the subject to a separate folder. Sylpheed-claws
does this well, and also has a nifty plug in for spamassassin.

> I am unable to read well all the mails!

I can't help you there, I usually ignore the bottom posters, and those
unable to quote correctly, though, as that makes it easier to read the
rest of the mail. My observation is that the majority of the time those
who quote the whole message usually have a one line response, so it's
safe to skip them. Once you have identified them, you can add them to
what's referred to as a "kill file", part of your filter rules to help
remove the chaff from the stuff you want to read.

I have been practicing the whole "read well" concept as zen tradition,
and I suggest getting comfy, making sure that there is a sufficient
quantity of liquid refreshment of your choice on hand (I go with coffee
in the am and tea in the pm, myself) to avoid dehydration and achieving
freedom from outside interference to be vital; once you have immersed
yourself to the point that true mail enlightenment is a possibility,
however, I have found that the world always wants to intrude, whether it
is the fedex guy ringing the front door to deliver computer hardware or
the S.O. asking whether she looks ok in whatever she had on before going
to work, you must remember to focus on the task at hand as well as
possible given your current state of awareness. As the master said,
"When I'm hungry, I eat, when I'm tired, I sleep" you must strive to
"read when you read" and to strive to adhere to the rules of post
etiquette as posted in the temple:

Don't over quote. 
Copying back a long post (more than 20 lines) just to add "I agree" or
"me too" is considered bad form and wastes download time.  Look at the
size of the post you are answering and if it is over 10k trim out the
portions that are not relevant to your answer.  If you are only
answering a portion of a question trim out the bits that are not
pertinent to your answer.

Don't include large files. 
Please do not attach large graphic files or other attachments (over
30k or so). Most users don't want to download a file when reading a post
for time and security reasons.  If you have a large graphic or file that
is necessary to explain your problem, upload it to your web server and
include the URL of the file in your post so others can view it only if
they need to.

Do not post in html. 
That is considered to be just plain rude.

Ignore trolls.
Some people get a thrill from posting "flames" (really obnoxious
messages) just to get a rise out of people.  This type of person is
known as a troll, and is only striving to prevent you from achieving
mail nirvana. Ignore them. There are like those screaming kids at the
store who figure that if they yell loud enough and long enough, they
will get attention. By replying to them, you are encouraging them, and
distracting yourself from mail reading. 

Use your kill file.
On very rare occasions you will find someone on a mail list that is just
so obnoxious that you would rather not read ANYTHING they have to say.
That is what the kill file is for.

> thanx in advance

You are welcome

Adult, n.:
        One old enough to know better.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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