I originally had Apache 2.x with mod_perl 1.99.09, but HTML::Mason is not yet compatible with mod_perl2, so I had to downgrade to mod_perl-1.x which only supports Apache 1.x.

Ben Munat wrote:
Thanks for your comments... Why apache 1.* rather than 2.*? Also, are there use flag considerations for gentoo as a server? Well, I guess I can obviously set -gnome, -kde, etc. Any others? Oh, and in addition to the cron job for backup, should I emerge sync in a cron job for a server? I'll obviously have to be much more careful about what I emerge on this box!

Andrew Gaffney wrote:

Ben Munat wrote:

Well, I enjoyed setting up my home gentoo system so much that I've decided to go ahead and switch from my hosting company to renting a rack server with gentoo on it. Of course, it'll be a very gradual process... lots of learning to do. I've subscribed to the gentoo-server list, but I thought it would also be nice to get some opinions here.

So, a) what are some of the most important things to consider when setting up a gentoo web server? and b) here's a list of what I'm thinking I'll need (off the top of my head); anything missing? Anything you'd disagree with?

djbdns, qmail, apache, tomcat, php, mysql, postgres...

Looking for recommendations for an sftpd, some sort of log manager, and what to do about back-ups. What do folks think about webmin or some tool like that?

I have been running a production server with Gentoo for about 8 months now. It has been solid as a rock. I'm running Apache 1.3.29, mod_perl 1.27, HTML::Mason-1.20, qmail-1.03, mysql-4.0.15, Webmin-1.110 (a MUST have), and a few other misc. daemons. I setup my own firewall using iptables directly. For backups, I have 2 cron jobs that run everynight. The first tar's and bzip2's all my critical data (web files, CGI scripts, MySQL db, etc.) and puts it on a tape. The second uses rsync to mirror the drive to an identical drive in the machine. I'm currently working on implementing an off-site (read not in the same room) backup over the network using NFS or Samba.

-- Andrew Gaffney System Administrator Skyline Aeronautics, LLC. 776 North Bell Avenue Chesterfield, MO 63005 636-357-1548

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