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Ben Sparks wrote:
| On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 22:45, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
|>Check out the ebuild docs at Gentoo's web site to get some information
|>about ebuilds.
|>I activate the PORTDIR_OVERLAY variable in /etc/make.conf, create the
|>directory (default is /usr/local/portage) and create a directory
|>structure just like /usr/portage has for the program I want to install.
|>    Put the ebuild in there, create a digest for it and emerge it.  Use
|>emerge -p to see what problems you might run into and what it might need
|>to install as dependencies before you install it.  I also like to look
|>over the ebuild to see what's in it.
|>Roy Kidder wrote:
|>>I'm new to Gentoo (been using Linux for about 8 years) and I'm trying to
|>>find my way around the ebuild/portage/emerge school of thought.
|>>I recently found a piece of software where the author supplies a .ebuild
|>>How can I install the software as a package using this .ebuild file?
|>>Thanks in advance,
|>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
|>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
| Just incase you don't know, to build the digest for the ebuild after you
| place it in the /usr/local/portage dir you need to issue this command:
| "ebuid nameofpackage.ebuild digest".
| --
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

"emerge --digest ebuildname" also works

Also, for overlay dirs, only the "category/package" part of the
directory stucture needs to be duplicated.

You may also consider making aliases for installing software not in the
portage tree, such as:

alias uemerge="DISTDIR=/tmp emerge --digest"

- --
- ------------------------------
~~~~~ Jason A. Mobarak ~~~~~~~
~~ aether_at_gentoo_dot_org ~~
~~~~ jmob_at_unm_dot_edu ~~~~~
- ------------------------------
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