From: "Stroller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Courier Help
> I take it that courier is running on a different machine from that on
> which you're downloading the POP3 to..? Because it would be very weird
> if you downloaded POP3 into the same folder that IMAP was reading from.
> I only use courier's IMAP functions.
I want to support both becausesome of my users do not understand IMAP (Don't
ask my why they don't take the time to learn, but they don't).
And yes this is on a separate machine. I have several machines in the
network, and I'm trying (as a test) to download mail via POP and via IMAP
from the server to this client machine.

> Anyway, you should already have looked in /etc to see if your install
> has put an configuration files there, and taken a look at them so you
> can edit accordingly. You should find:
It did, and that is one of the areas I have a problem with.
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ sudo grep -i maildir
> /etc/courier-imap/imapd
>    #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
>    MAILDIR=.Maildir
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ ls -la | grep -i maildir
>    drwx------   43 stroller users        1504 Jan 17 23:47 .Maildir
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $

ok, I'm getting closer I think... It lets me log in now, but it does not
show any message folders. Not even my inbox.

I noticed the maildirmake. I even ran maildirmake /home/dan/.mail/inbox, and
it said it created it. But despite the folder being present and having the
new, cur and tmp folders inside of it, cur containing messages (hundreds of
them) it does not show in my imap list. The pop system seems to be working
fine now that I set the pop3d MAILDIR property to .mail/inbox then I see
ONLY the inbox. Despite having around 10 folders there including the inbox.

Let me re-state my desired config for the imap system and you can tell me
what I've done wrong.

All new mail (that is not filtered by procmail) gets delivered to a maildir
folder at /home/<user>/.mail/inbox. For example, if user joe gets mail
delivered via the MTA, it creates a file in /home/joe/.mail/inbox/new. His
.mail folder looks like:


cur new tmp

now user sally has procmail setup so that messages from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the steve folder, and everything else goes to
the normal inbox.  So her setup looks like:

inbox steve

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

So when joe logs into imap for the first time his client creates two new
folders: sent and drafts, So now his mail folder looks like:
drafts inbox sent

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

Meanwhile, sally also logs onto the imap server for the first time. She gets
the same two new folders, resulting in:

drafts inbox sent steve

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

cur new tmp

now with this setup, to the Imap client, Saly sees four folders:
Inbox, Drafts, Sent, and steve

Joe sees three:
Inbox, Drafts, Sent

That is the setup I am after. Please help me to understand how to set that
up. I'm trying. I even PRINTED the maildirmake man page. I just am not
understanding what I'm soposed to do here.

--- Dan
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