On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 13:43, Andrew Cowie wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-01-17 at 03:09, Kurt Guenther wrote:
> > I see that there is an ebuild for subversion, but it is masked.   Does
> > anybody know what is up here?  How do I find out status, etc?
> You'd do well to pop into #svn on freenode and lurk and listen for a
> while. From them, for example, I found out "don't use 0.28! Horrible
> bugs!" and was offered advice of what version to go to.
> I happen to be running 0.29.0 and have been for a while; I know they
> have moved on considerably from then.

I've been using subversion for a long time.  It used to be that the subversion 
ebuild in gentoo was terrible and unusable, but this has not been the case 
for a long time.  I've been using subversion both as a client and a server 
(using apache2) on gentoo with no problems for quite a while.

Subversion development has been moving very quickly  Each release is 
considerably more stable than the last one.

It wouldn't surprise me if the ebuild stayed masked until subversion proceeds 
into the beta phase of its development, but I've been using it for ALL my 
version control needs for well over a year now.  As long as you pay careful 
attention to the changelogs when you upgrade (in case you need to dump / 
reload your repositories) you shouldn't have much in the way of problems.


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