On Monday 19 January 2004 18:36, Mauro Arnoldi wrote:
> Has someone an active GPRS connection with Linux Gentoo? I can't manage to
> configure it.
> Maybe the problem is that I use an USB cable to connect my cell to my
> laptop. I tried to compile a new kernel but I only find that "not claimed
> by any active driver"

I use GPRS all the time. I have an Ericsson R600 plugged into a serial port. 
I'm not sure what kernel options you'd need to switch on to make it work 
through USB.
  Basically it works just like an ordinary serial modem (you send AT commands, 
it connects and you set up a ppp link), so compiling USB Serial Converter 
support in the kernel, or as a module might help. Of course, you'll need ppp 
support as well.

As for the connection itself, I use a separate pppd config file and connect 
script and connect by issuing "pppd file /etc/ppp/gprs". I use nodetach so 
that the connection stays in the console (it's unreliable so it's good to 
have a simple way to restart it) and hang up with Ctrl-C.

My configuration files are as follows:
/dev/ttyS0      #You'd obviously replace this with the USB device
115200          #This should work for USB

nodetach        #To keep it in the console
debug           #Handy in the testing phase

receive-all     #My phone needs this, not sure about yours
noccp           #My phone doesn't support IP header compression

usepeerdns      #Might not work, but handy if it does
defaultroute    #Makes the computer actually use the connection

connect /etc/ppp/gprs-connect   #Fir setting the connect script

/etc/ppp/gprs-connect: (with executable rights)
/usr/sbin/chat                                  \
        ECHO    OFF                             \
        ""      ATZ                             \
        OK      'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"'  \
        OK      AT+CGQMIN=1,0,0,0,0,0           \
        OK      AT+CGQREQ=1,0,0,0,0,0           \
        OK      ATD*99#                         \
        CONNECT ""

While testing you might want to try switching ECHO to ON in the connect 
script. If those files don't do the trick, send the output and we'll see what 
we can do. Also, IIRC there are a few fairly good howtos for linux+GPRS 
floating around the net. Don't remember any URLs though.

Jani-Matti Hätinen

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