Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:

Koala Gnu wrote:

sorry for my english ....

To restart the build process, should  I clean some directories or I
can give directly the
scripts/ command?

Restart from what point? Is this a fully installed machine that you are just trying to rebuild? If yes, then "emerge -UuDep world" will do the job nicely.

Restart from scripts/
I avoided all the emerge since I am behind a firewall and emerge web sync does not work fine.

So I downloaded the stage1 tar and I untared it in the gentoo partition (mounted on /mnt/gentoo).

Then I untared in /mnt/gentoo/usr the last portage tree.

Then I followed the instruction guide in (in italian) and run scripts/

This step was unsuccessful, and the I posted the mail. Then I changed some settings in make.conf according to the suggestions of Norbert and I was asking if I could restart from scripts/

Tom Veldhouse

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