On 06:51 Wed 21 Jan     , Rumen Yotov wrote:
> On ??, 2004-01-20 at 20:39, Thomas Achtemichuk wrote:
> > On 01/20/04 13:34:31, Ian Truelsen wrote:
> > > I have been thinking about having my firewall box boot and run from a CD
> > > so that there are no writable filesystems and there should be no need to
> > > even have a HD. Can this be done with Gentoo or do I have to look at one
> > > of the smaller distros? Also, does this seem like a good idea?
> > 
> > This is a great idea - there are a few solutions available that you should  
> > look at first before you go reinventing the wheel.
> > 
> > Gibraltar[1] - Debian based, web-gui in the pay version, freeware version
> > ClosedBSD[2] - FreeBSD based, ncurses GUI, free, floppy or CD
> > Sentry Firewall[3] - Linux based, Firewall, IDS, CLI tools & webmin
> > 
> > You can probably find a bunch more on distrowatch.com
> > 
> > [1] - http://www.gibraltar.at
> > [2] - http://www.closedbsd.org
> > [3] - http://www.sentryfirewall.com
> Hi,
> Could also check Devil-Linux on devil-linux.org it comes with PaX &
> GRSecurity for the kernel and propolice for almost all binaries. Also
> have a text menu for config. It's less than 100 M.
> -- 

Sysresccd is a rescue cd based on Gentoo. At their site,
http://www.sysresccd.org, are instructions for modifying it. It
might give you a start.

Bill Roberts

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