On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 20:33:28 -0500
Bill Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 01:35 Thu 22 Jan     , Jakub Krajcovic wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > just for the fun of it a tried emerge -sv rpm
> > and it really did offer me the possiblity to install rpm...
> > 
> > Now i just wonder if i can really (hypothetically) install rpm and use rpm 
> > packages?
> > And another question: has anyone here tried this?
> > 
> > p.s. and please don't go on telling me that using rpm would be stupid - I KNOW, 
> > that's why i switched to Gentoo...
> Yes, you can install and use rpm's. No, I haven't tried it.

I have done it, and it works.  Just keep in mind.

1. You may have to probably have to use --nodeps with any packages you install with 
rpm.  It;s unlikely that rpm will find where you have things stored on gentoo.

2. You need to keep track of this yourself; portae knows nothing about these packages.

3. If you subsequently overlay any of the packages with an ebuild without removing the 
rpm packages, you may wind up in noman's land.


Collins - Denver Area - 
Gentoo stable kernel 2.6.2-rc1

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