> That doesn't seem right, after my experiences with SuSE.  (I'l still in
> the process of my first Gentoo install...)
> I have a combo CD-RW/DVD drive that uses SCSI emulation (under SuSE).  I
> discovered the need to turn DMA on when DVDs/VCDs wouldn't play back
> correctly.  (Jumpy playback...)  I turned it on with their gui, and
> everything worked correctly.

SuSE does it by having both the /dev/hdx and /dev/sr? devices in /dev 
When you turned on DMA, it used the /dev/hdx device to turn on DMA.  You
can do this in Gentoo manually, by creating the device manually and then
using hdparm with the created device.  I haven't tested the interaction
with devfs, (i.e. does the created device stick around after a reboot)
but I did verify that it works.

What you need to do is execute one of the following commands based upon
which device is your SCSI emulated CD-ROM.  (The device numbers can be
found /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt)

/dev/hda: mknod /dev/hda b 3 0 
/dev/hdb: mknod /dev/hdb b 3 64
/dev/hdc: mknod /dev/hdc b 22 0
/dev/hdd: mknod /dev/hdd b 22 64

After that you should be able to use hdparm normally.  Here is the
output from my system. (I have /dev/hdc, SCSI emulated)

garath root # hdparm /dev/hdc
/dev/hdc: No such file or directory
garath root # ls -l /dev/hdc
ls: /dev/hdc: No such file or directory
garath root # mknod /dev/hdc b 22 0
garath root # ls -l /dev/hdc
brw-r--r--    1 root     root      22,   0 Jan 22 19:43 /dev/hdc
garath root # hdparm /dev/hdc

 HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT failed: Invalid argument
 IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  0 (off)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 BLKRAGET failed: Invalid argument
 HDIO_GETGEO failed: Invalid argument
garath root # hdparm -d0 /dev/hdc

 setting using_dma to 0 (off)
 using_dma    =  0 (off)
garath root # hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc

 setting using_dma to 1 (on)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)

My Gentoo stuff: http://varnerfamily.org/pvarner/gentoo

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