Linux Gentoo wrote:

- snip -

1. start your inet connection
2. kill the program which communicates with modem (kill -9 something)

Ok, kill -9 1771 (which is wvdial)

Guy, u didn't read the last two lines ...
All the procedure u should run on M$hit !!! :-)
Because u like to catch proper init string.

3. start "minicom -o" (without initialization of modem)

Got it.  Actually I have used the DOS version of this program.  Back in
"the day".

4. command at&v will show u actual modem setup

Now the problems start. First I saw nothing on the screen at all. I
turned on local echo, so now I can see the command when I type "at&v",
then I hit enter & nothing. Does this mean something isn't working? Or
does this mean I don't know what I'm doing? PPPD is still active, it's
shows in 'top'.

This means minicom is not communicating with modem. U must tell to minicom to which node modem is connected. Press CTRL-A Z O and go to "Serial port setup" ...

Yes I know, it's simple to do on any linux or unix system,
but how to run steps 1-3 on M$hit, is a double dutch
for me, but maybe u know it :-).

This two lines told u, u have to adopt it to windblowz env.

- snip -


Well, I found out how to get some info from Winblows.  It seems that
wincrap keeps a log of the last modem session.  Below is the modem log
file from Win98:

begin log-----------------------
01-15-2004 21:30:11.33 - Standard Modem in use.
01-15-2004 21:30:11.33 - Modem type: Standard Modem
01-15-2004 21:30:11.33 - Modem inf path: MDMGEN.INF
01-15-2004 21:30:11.33 - Modem inf section: Gen
01-15-2004 21:30:11.60 - 57600,N,8,1
01-15-2004 21:30:11.60 - 57600,N,8,1
01-15-2004 21:30:11.60 - Initializing modem.
01-15-2004 21:30:11.60 - Send: AT<cr>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.60 - Recv: AT<cr>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.70 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.70 - Interpreted response: Ok

it was only modem presence check

01-15-2004 21:30:11.70 - Send: ATE0V1<cr>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.70 - Recv: ATE0V1<cr>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.80 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.80 - Interpreted response: Ok
01-15-2004 21:30:11.80 - Send: ATX4<cr>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.90 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
01-15-2004 21:30:11.90 - Interpreted response: Ok

hmmm, as ususal M$hit is hiddening some steps !

ate0    disable echo
atv1    I don't remember by heart

I would say u should try this init string:

at&fv1X4 (x3 might be better = blind dial)

But the best would be to complete 5.step procedure
I gave u before on M$hit.

now, here is my orginal wvdial.config which was created by wvdialconfig (unsername & password replaced) begin file----------------------------------[Dialer Defaults] Modem = /dev/ttyS0 Baud = 115200 Init1 = ATZ

This command loads stored profile ... but do u know what's in ? So change it to:

Init1 = AT&fv1X3

Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

I am not familiar with wvdial, so don't know if these two init string are used in sequence, or there is a possibility to have two different setups in one config file. To prevent problems, set it in the same way ...

Init2 = AT&fv1X3

- SNIP -


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