On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 12:14:20AM +0300, Andrew B. Panphiloff wrote:

... skpd

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]ls -l /home/ | grep alucard
> drwx------    2 alucard  alucard      4096 Dec 12 14:23 alucard
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]id alucard  
> uid=509(alucard) gid=510(alucard) groups=510(alucard)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]chown -R alucard:alucard /home/alucard
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]chmod -R u+rwx /home/alucard/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]ls -l /home/ | grep alucard
> drwx------    2 alucard  alucard      4096 Dec 12 14:23 alucard
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]su - alucard
> su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/alucard: Permission denied
> -bash: /home/alucard/.bash_profile: Permission denied
> -bash-2.05b$ 
> only cp solve my problem, but I can't copy all my disk!

Are you using NFS by any chance? Or some other network-mounted file system for 
home directories (run 'mount' with no options to find out).

If it is indeed a network mount, you need to make sure you have necessary permissions
on the server as it may not honor your local 'root' privileges. Also, in this case
you need to double check if your 'cp ' commands above didn't screw things up i.e.
you didn't end up with local copies of that stuff instead of the network mounted
directories (could happen if you are running an automount).

The only other thing that comes to mind is a corrupt filesystem, in which case
you can try 'shutdown -r -F 0' , where '-F' should force 'fsck' on reboot 
(even for journalized filesystems).

- Andrey

~ In theory, practice and theory are the same,
  but in practice they are different (Larry McVoy) ~

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