thanx that worked ... Now if there is a way  to send these terminals automaticly on 

|gnome-terminal --command="cmd-1" --tab-with-profile=default --command="cmd-2"
|works for me...
|Matt Wilson wrote:
|> On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 13:34, raptor wrote:
|>>gnome-terminal -e 'ssh machine1' && gnome-terminal --tab -e 'ssh machine1'
|>>this doesnt work either !!:"(
|> I think you probably meant;
|> gnome-terminal -e 'ssh m1' & gnome-terminal --tab -e 'ssh m2'
|>>|How can I start gnome-terminal with several commands which open in several tabs...
|>>|curently I can do :
|>>|gnome-terminal -e 'ssh machine'
|>>|but this open just one window... I want to be able to say something like this :
|>>|gnome-terminal -e 'ssh machine' -e 'ssh machine2' -e 'ssh machine3'
|>>|and only the first to open new window and the next goes into their own tab...

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