Hi folks,

maybe it's OT but I think it's important.

The difference of size between an pgp-signed (2048bit-key) 
and an unsigned mail is about 4800 bit.
Even with a slow 14400 b/s modem connect this will cause an download
delay of < 0.35 s per mail. Let's say you receive 100 mails per day,
then you have to wait about 35s longer till the download is finished.
I think that's not so much waste of bandwith that it will justify the
claim of some users not to use PGP on mailinglists.
The "normal" signatures of some users are often bigger than a
pgp-singnature, so if we wanna safe bandwith, it would be better
to use no signatures instead of use no pgp-signatures.
But sometimes I think every "argument" is good enough to demonise
the use of PGP.



** PGP-key available on keyserver pgp.mit.edu **

Please don't sign your public mail unless your
PGP-key is available for everyone!

Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: signature

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