On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 21:55:28 -0500

> Hi,
> Typically I install apache from source, then
> recompile as needed with apaci in order to add optional
> modules such as mod_perl, mod_auth etc. With redhat
> what I typically do/did was compile with a special
> --prefix, and possibly --exec-prefix and set aside any
> custom packages in my own spot
> (/opt/stow/apache-x.yy), then use GNU stow to symlink
> the compiled build (after I did a "make install") to a
> "normal" spot in the $PATH. This kept things (mostly)
> neatly divided between rpm binaries, and the source
> based install.
> Since Gentoo is a source based distro, is there any
> reason to do things differently? If so, how? Any
> links to read up on?
> Allan

Please start a new thread.

Reply with changing the content just breaks up the message order.

regards, Paul

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