On Friday 30 January 2004 23:27, Jason Rogers wrote:

> I get errors in /var/log/syslog saying the eth0 could not be brought
> up and that it timed out waiting for a valid DHCP response.  As far
> as I can tell the DHCP setup is the same as when I am booting from CD
> -- it points to my router at in both cases.

Can you post the exact error message from syslog?

> I would really appreciate some help fixing this.  The first bit of
> help I need is in knowing what to share with the list.  I can pass
> along all of my config files (if I know which ones to include) etc. 
> I am actually wondering if it is a driver issue.

What are the entries in /etc/conf.d/net?
Is the driver compiled as module or compiled into the kernel?
If it is compiled as modules try loading the module with
Have you tried to bring up the interface by hand with e.g.
ifconfig eth0 up



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